Community Resilience General Information
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Culter has Community Resilience Plan which is available to download.
The plan has information on what to do in emergencies such as severe weather, flooding, and so on. Please download it and read it. |
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There is also a Household Emergency Plan for you to download for your own use.
Both documents are PDF files.
Becoming a volunteer
A key part of our community resilience is the network of volunteers. These are local residents who provide their time, skills, hospitality etc. as and when the need arises. Volunteers can help with a range of tasks such as transport, moving sandbags, delivery of emergency supplies, checking on vulnerable residents, clearing snow, providing accommodation, assisting at the reception centres.
Many people do this on an informal basis, helping neighbours and those they know but we need a roster of people who would be available to be mobilised on a more formalised, structured basis. Would you be willing to help out in this way? Do you have any relevant skills or equipment that you think might be of help in an emergency? If so, we would like to hear from you. You can read more about the role of volunteers in the resilience plan itself.
Registering for the first time
If you would like to volunteer, please complete the online form. If you would like to register but are unable to use the form, please send an email to and someone will contact you.
The registration form, with some fictitious example data as a guide, is shown below.
Please note that the ‘Save’ button is used to complete registration and store your details in our database. It turns red if there is unsaved data. It is important to click on this when you have finished. Most of the items are self-explanatory but some additional guidelines follow.
- The name, address, postcode, land line no., mobile no. and email address must be completed. Enter ‘none’ if appropriate.
- Latitude and longitude is an experimental feature. This needs to be in decimal format (latitude – comma – longitude) if you would like to enter it. The ‘Convert’ button will open a website that can convert a postcode to coordinates in the correct format. You may prefer to use a location in the vicinity of your home if you wish, as the purpose is only to have an idea of where our volunteers are located.
- Questions a) to h) indicate the type of help you are able to offer. Tick all that apply.
- Availability is used to let us know when you are likely to be available to assist (evenings, weekends, student holidays etc.)
- g) indicates a volunteer is willing to offer potentially long term assistance (shopping, visiting, checking on) to vulnerable people. This was used during the recent pandemic.
- h) only applies to volunteers who have a key for one of the Reception/Rest Centres (Village Hall, Church Hall, Heritage Hall).
All information provided will be treated confidentially and in line with the Data Protection Act.
Updating a volunteer record
- Follow this link.
- Enter the email address that you used when first registering and click on ‘Send’.
- Open your email and look for the email with the subject ‘Culter Resilience Database : One time login for <your name>‘ . If you don’t see it, please check your spam folder.
- The email contains a link that has a ‘use-once’ token which will open the resilience database with the form with your own details The ‘use-once’ token is a security measure; it means that the link will not work a second time if retrieved from a browser history, for example. You need to return to the page in step 1 to request a new login link.
- Please review and update as required. Remember to click on the red SAVE button to update the record in the database when you have finished
Flood Risk Information
Some properties in Culter have, in recent years, been at risk from flooding. The following information may prove useful to those who may be affected.
The UK government has introduced something called ‘Floodre’ which helps to provide recommendations for obtaining a competitive insurance quote and also recommends some insurers to approach:- click here.
Property Protection Flood Grant
Aberdeen City Council provides some funding for flood protection for your property. For information on how to apply, click here.
COVID-19 : Volunteer response for Culter and Cults, Bieldside & Milltimber (CBM)
Helping people at increased risk
We know that many people are providing ad hoc support to friends and neighbours. Please continue to do this; it is so important. As a resilience team, what we want to do is provide some formal back-stopping, both to identify people who may fall in to the gaps and to ensure that everyone at increased risk is known and monitored and helped as required.
Registering as a person at increased risk
If you consider yourself to be in this category, please use this form to register your details.
Many people who may wish to register will not have a computer or smartphone. If that applies to you, please ask someone you trust to do it for you. This person will also record their own details. When we first make contact we will confirm all these details.
If you know someone who may be at increased risk, please contact them to explain this registration scheme and ask if they would like to register. You can then record the details on their behalf. If a stranger offers to do this, if you can please decline and contact someone you trust to do it for you instead.
We will also have some phone numbers you can call to register ASAP.
Next steps
The immediate need is to compile these registers, with appropriate safeguards in place. The initial monitoring will take the form of a daily phone call from one of our volunteers. The security word (password) you use to register will be very important, as our volunteers will use this to confirm that the call is genuine. If you receive a call from a stranger claiming to be from the resilience team, and they do not use the password, please hang up.
On the first call by a volunteer to the resident, they will introduce themselves and quote the agreed password. They will then verify the details on the form. On every subsequent call they will quote the password to validate that they are genuine.
If you wish to volunteer, please use our standard resilience volunteer form.
Please note that there is a core team of people who manage the community resilience programme. They will have access to the details you provide. We are very concerned about safeguarding when dealing with vulnerable people and so we will be ensuring that all volunteers are known to at least one of us. We hope you understand the need for this. In case someone is not known, we will contact you ASAP to get a few more details. We will be asking volunteers if they can participate in the monitoring by phone call initially, but many will also be helping with other activities.
We will advise volunteers of the protocols for providing practical assistance (shopping etc.) shortly.